Eyeing Afghanistan's Fate

                                           -Mithilesh Sao

It's been few days that U.S forces have started their evacuation from Afghanistan and this has led to complete outrivaling of Taliban. The illegitimate regime has managed to completely subjugate the country's capital.

What can India do with such a situation? 

The first and foremost steps that should be taken by the Indian Parliament is that, under no circumstances be the Afghan refugees be allowed to enter the country. It is highly probable that part of these Afghan refugees may include Talibani fighters. It will be disastrous for the nation to have these kind of infiltration, knowing the country has multiple issues with radical islamic terrorism. Identical scenarios had happened with multiple European countries like Sweden, Denmark, France , United Kingdom etc. These countries opened their arms for Syrian refugees, who fled the war zoned and distressed area from ISIS in March of 2011. Its been studied and found legit by various reports that these refugees are involved in many wrong doings , most of which are labelled crimes according to the judicial system. India was highly criticized for not allowing Syrian refugees to settle,by the European counterparts. Well time has revealed that India was accurate about the National security concerns about the Syrian refugees crisis.

Can india use Taliban against Pakistan?

Contemplating future prospects , India can surely take advantage of Taliban. Taliban is a loose federation, meaning , it does not have a fixed structure like Military groups. There are multiple war lords who owe loyalty to ideology of Taliban and more precisely to Mulla Omar's thought processes. These war lords have fighters underneath their control. It been known and is transparent that Taliban doesn't  acknowledge pakistan as his friend. Few months back Taliban attacked the Western border of Pakistan killing multiple Pak soldiers, as Taliban does not recognises the Pakistan-Afghanistan border which is named "The Durand line".
The Durand line is the Defacto border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Afghans belive in "Pashtunistan", which cover large areas of Pakistan. Indian Intelligence agencies should talk and get the Taliban warlords on the same page. 


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