India: Mother of all Civilizations

                                        - Mithilesh Sao

First evidences of HomeoSapiens (Modern Day Humans) can be traced back to almost 120,000-100,000 years ago in Africa. After habiting African continent, a group of few thousand early humans started to migrate out of Africa, near the present day Yemen and started to migrate East through the Arabian peninsula toward india , this was the result of primal human tendency.
A group of such early humans came into India and stayed for several milleniums. Approximately 60,000-50,000 years ago , few tribes started another migration to the European, East and South East Asian Continents.

There is field called as "Population Genetics", by studying it one can find information about genetic lineages of specific civilizations. Speaking about genetics lineages , there are two types of genetic lineages that is "Male Genetic lineage" and "Female Genetic Lineage".
Our DNA is divided into 23 Chromosomes and one such specific chromosome is Y- Chromosome, which passes from Father to Son, so the mutations that happen over time shows us the male lineage or Patrilineal lineage. Likewise there is another type of DNA , which is called as mitochondrial DNA, which passes from mother to daughter and after studying it one can find female lineage or Matrilineal lineage. There are processes through which we can study and calculate the time of origination of such discrete mutations which happen in both lineages. The Patrilineal lineages are termed as "Gotra" in hindu cultures.
                            So there is particular male lineage present in indian subcontinent called as HaploGroup-F , the time of origin of this lineage is approximately 55,000 years. This is the ancestral lineage of almost 90% of all non- African males in world. Most of the European males have this Ancestral lineage. So it can be proved that after African migration, the Indian migration took place.

Furthermore, there are two Female lineages that are Haplogroup-M and Haplogroup-N, which are of Indian origin,that originated nearly 65,000-55,000 years ago and almost 100% of all non-African females are descendants of this lineage.

So originally the early humans which came to indian subcontinent were from Africa but the biggest population explosion in all directions happened while they were in India.

Backing above claims and speaking with scientific evidences, we can say that the Indian civilization is approximately 55,000-50,000 years old.


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