Here's why GoodBoy ethics are sabotaging India.

Like it or not, India is the quintessential soft state. It is unable (or unwilling) to project power beyond its borders, even in its own neighborhood. Its (historically) timid foreign policy has ensured that it evokes neither respect nor fear among its neighbors. Despite its enormous size, it is unable to influence or shape its external environment to suit its national interests.

India is overly defensive. Despite its massive economic and military power, it does not respond to grave provocations (26/11, for example). It does not retaliate when attacked. It tolerates countless attacks on its citizens and affronts to its prestige. Its enemies know that it can be attacked repeatedly, with impunity, at will, and no retaliation will be forthcoming(though this scenario is changing these day).

If forced to fight, India fights defensive wars. It refuses to cross the borders (Kargil, for instance). It does not aim to conquer enemy territory. If enemy territory or soldiers are captured during the course of a war, it duly returns them once the war is over, without obtaining any concessions in return.

India refuses to play by the same rules as its adversaries, to its immense detriment. It persists in using conventional means to combat Pakistan's asymmetric warfare and terrorism. It refuses to play dirty. It is more concerned about its "good boy" image than about its national interests.

India's two major adversaries - China and its vassal Pakistan - employ a host of methods to destabilize the country. Pakistan has bled India with a thousand cuts since the 1980s, first in Punjab, and then in Kashmir, without any fear of retribution. It has been involved in terror activities throughout India for decades, without ever being made to pay for its malfeasance. India has steadfastly refused to respond by employing similar strategies and tactics.

China, which historically has had no role to play in South Asia, claims vast swathes of Indian territory and routinely encroaches into India, often for weeks at a time. It dreams of breaking India into 20-30 pieces. It has been fomenting terrorism, insurgencies, and separatism in North East India and the so-called "red corridor" since the 1960s. India, on the other hand, has formally recognized Tibet as a Chinese territory, and has not taken steps to pay China back in kind by employing similar methods in the restive Tibet and Xinjiang regions.

As the Great teacher and strategist Vishnugupt Chanakya said , "Peace can only be achieved through Power" .

 Naga seperatist leaders at the great wall of china, 1960. China has formented insurgencies and terrorism in india for decades.

China is increasingly encroaching upon India's supposed sphere of influence by drawing Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and the Maldives into its orbit, and by creating the ever-tightening "string of pearls" and the illegal CPEC(China Pakistan Economic corridor) , which passes through the Pak-occupied jammu kashmir region.

China and Pakistan, together, have blocked off India's historic land routes to Eurasia - which should have prompted India to become a maritime nation by developing a formidable maritime and naval presence. This has not happened.

Despite repeated claims that the Indian ocean is India's backyard. India's navy has little presence even in the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal. India's coastal security continues to have gaping holes Large aircraft disappear without a trace and are never found. Chinese submarines and ships ply undetected, even encroaching into fodian territorial waters. Italian marines murder Indian fishermen in Indian waters. The Pakistani navy routinely abducts Indian fishermen illegally from Indian territorial waters off the coast of Gujarat. In return, India rescues them when they drown.

India is a soft state because it fails to take care of its national interests. It keeps punching below its weight and does not make its enemies pay a heavy price for their crimes.

For decades india has had a fragile democractic goverment and leaders lacking robustness. I am optimistic about the new leadership of Bharat(Republic of India) therefore i will hedge my bets.

                                                   -Mithilesh Sao


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